Monday 3 March 2014

Day II in Savegra

An easy pleasant day of birding along the river and around the hotel in Savegra.  It is a very birdy place. Always something to look at with frequent little surprises among the expected. While birding along the stream and checking out a nice mixed flock of Sooty-capped Bush-Tanagers, Silver-throated Tanagers, Yellow-thighed Finches, Collared Redstarts, Ruddy Treerunners, Spotted Treecreepers, Yellow-winged, Brown-capped and PhiladelphiaVireos, Black-throated Green and Flame-throated Warblers my attention was suddenly focused on a waterthrush on the side of the creek - it was a Louisiana Waterthrush!  It is expected here but was still a shock to see and great views. The river also has American Dippers, we saw five and plenty of Torrent Tyrannulets.  Saw three Resplendent Quetzals and one Collared Trogon today.

No time to go through today's photos. Attached are a couple of quickies done up 30 minutes before supper.

The Slaty Flowerpiercer (above) and Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager (below) are fairly numerous and relatively easy to photograph.

On the other hand the Chestnut-capped Brush-finch is locally pretty uncommon according my limited experience and likes the dark under growth where the sun it rarely shines. It digs in the leaves like a hefty Fox Sparrow.  This was the best of many bad shots of a pair over a 15 minute period using and ISO of 3200. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay - Savegre is on my Costa Rican "want list" now. Johan Chaves said it is an excellent destination for mid-altitiude Pacific species, and it seems like he knows what he is talking about. Great photos. I'm looking forward to the full slide show.


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