Even a microscopic view of a drake Eurasian Wigeon does not disappoint.
Depending on the angle of light reflecting from the side of the head of a drake American Wigeon you might see green or in rare cases a strong coppery green sheen.
The brown, not gray, base colour to the head of this female wigeon makes it a shoe-in Eurasian.
Harlequin Ducks are locally common winterers in Newfoundland. A strong wind pushed 120 of them around the corner from Cape St. Mary's for shelter at Pt Lance in early January. Unfortunately the sun was at a rough angle for photography but the views in the scope were to die for.
More of those Harlequin Ducks
Normally rare in Newfoundland, prolonged and far reaching westerly winds in late December may have been responsible for a displacement of a few Hooded Mergansers (and Buffleheads) to eastern Newfoundland.
This drake White-winged Scoter with an identity problem was overwintering with the large and rather tame flock of Greater Scaup at Clarenville for its second year. The WWSC usually feeds 200-1000 meters offshore and is particularly shy of homo sapiens with a Newfoundland accent - thus is rarely a photography target.
Did not get much in the way of opportunities to photograph Common Eiders so far this winter but there is still six more weeks for that possibility
It is a half decent cone crop winter throughout the province. Finches have been only moderately common. Common Redpoll has turned into a stickler on the Avalon Peninsula. It wasn't always like this. Now we feel lucky to see them even when routine on the rest of the island. These males were a pleasnt treat.
Pine Grosbeak is your basic Avalon Peninsula finch 365 days a year . Always friendly and welcoming.
The Newfoundland Red Crossbill does indeed have hefty bill.
A White-winged Crossbill in a black spruce is so iconic you can almost smell the spruce sap. Another great winter species especially when they are all adults.
Bohemian Waxwings have been frustratingly local when there are so many dogberries available everywhere for their consumption. These two were part of an impressive flock of 1000 waxwings. My only encounter of the season.
An unexpected late February influx of Snowy Owls was enjoyed by the photogs. Like icebergs and perfect sunsets my resistances to taking more photos of Snowy Owls fails on a regular bases.
Great Cormorants reveal the first sign of spring when the show the white flank patch which can be as early as Xmas Day.
A Red-necked Grebe in close to a wharf is rare photography opt that you want to be ready for.
Why did the pheasant cross the road in Renews? Just to baffle this birder. It was someone's pet gone wild. Soon to be a good meal for a goshawk.
While I looked through a lot of gulls on Quidi Vidi Lake over the winter I did not come across any megas. The gull above was an oddity with a washed out pattern like a European Herring Gull.
One Common Gull was present very occasionally through the winter in St. John's..
The eye of a Kumlien's Gull with a visiting tick/louse.
THE END - still awake?
you are getting ... sleepy...... so ... sleepy..